1、第二章第二章 国民收入核算国民收入核算第一节第一节 国内生产总值国内生产总值国内生产总值(国内生产总值(gross domestic gross domestic productproduct)是经济社会(即一国或一地区)是经济社会(即一国或一地区)在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(物品和劳务)的市场价值。部最终产品(物品和劳务)的市场价值。1 1国内生产总值(国内生产总值(GDPGDP) 的概念的概念一、国内生产总值(一、国内生产总值(GDP)2、最终产品和中间产品、最终产品和中间产品11最终产品:在一定时期内生产的并最终产品:在一定时期内生产的
2、并由其最后使用者购买的产品和劳务。由其最后使用者购买的产品和劳务。22中间产品:用于再出售而供生产别中间产品:用于再出售而供生产别种产品用的产品。种产品用的产品。二、对国内生产总值的几点说明二、对国内生产总值的几点说明国内生产总值是一个市场价值概念国内生产总值是一个市场价值概念GDPGDP测算的是最终产品的价值测算的是最终产品的价值3 3GDPGDP是一定时期内所是一定时期内所生产生产的而不是所的而不是所售卖售卖掉的最终产品的价值掉的最终产品的价值 二、对国内生产总值的几点说明二、对国内生产总值的几点说明GDPGDP是计算期内生产的最终产品的价是计算期内生产的最终产品的价值,因而是流量,而不是
3、存量。值,因而是流量,而不是存量。存量:在一定时点上存在的变量;存量:在一定时点上存在的变量;流量:一定时期内发生的变量。流量:一定时期内发生的变量。二、对国内生产总值的几点说明二、对国内生产总值的几点说明GDPGDP是一国范围内所生产的最终产品是一国范围内所生产的最终产品的市场价值,从而是个地域概念的市场价值,从而是个地域概念6 6GDPGDP是一般仅指市场活动所导致的是一般仅指市场活动所导致的 价价值值 , ,家务劳动及自给自足的市场等非市家务劳动及自给自足的市场等非市场活动不计入场活动不计入GDPGDPuGross domestic product (GDP) is the total
4、market value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a specific period.Gross Domestic Product1. “ goods and services”GDP includes both tangible goods (food, clothing, cars) and intangible services (haircuts, housecleaning, doctor visits).2.“GDP is the market value”uQUICK QUI
5、Z:uWhich contributes more to GDP-the production of an economy car or the production of a luxury car? Why?3.produceduGDP includes goods and services currently produced. It does not include transactions involving items produced in the past.uGDP excludes second-hand sales(二手交易).u GDP excludes financial
6、 transactions(财务往来).4 “ of all”uGDP includes all items produced in the economy and sold legally in markets.5. “ final”GDP includes only the value of final goods and services. The reason is that the value of intermediate goods and services is already included in the prices of the final goods and serv
7、ices.uGross Domestic Product (GDP)国内生产总值:国土原则uGross National Product (GNP)国民生产总值:国籍原则6. “ within a country”7during a specific perioduGDP measures the value of production that takes place within a specific interval of time. Usually that interval is a year or a quarter (three months).uGDP measures the
8、 economys flow(流量) of income(收入) and expenditure(支出) during that interval.8market valueuIt excludes items produced and sold lawlessly, such as illegal drugs.u(非法生产和销售的东西不记入GDP,如违法的毒品交易不记入.)GDP excludes most items that are produced and consumed at home and that never enter the marketplace.GDP不包括家庭内的生
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