1、CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING5.1 GEGERAL NATURE OF IMPUSIVE LOADINGFIGURE 51 Arbitrary impulsive loadingRelatively short durationDamping has much less importance in controlling the maximum responseOnly the undamped response to impulsive loads will be consideredFIGURE 52 Half-sine-wave impu
2、lseFIGURE 53 Rectangular impulseFIGURE 54Triangular impulse5.2 SINEWAVE IMPULSECHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADINGFor impulsive loads which can be expressed by simple analytical functions,closed form solutions of the equations of motion can be obtained.the single half-sine-wave impulsetwo phases
3、:forced-vibration phasefree-vibration phasePhase I:Assuming the system starts from restSince it is indeterminate for ,LHospitals rule must be applied to obtain a useable expression for this special case.Taking this action,one obtainsPhase II:The free-vibration motion which occurs during this phase,d
4、epends on the displacement and velocity existing at the end of Phase I;Eq.(2-33)in its response-ratio form this free-vibration response is shown to beFor ,requiring once again the use of LHospitals rule leading toCHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADINGCHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADINGthe maxim
5、um value of response depends on the ratio of the load duration to the period of vibration of the structureFIGURE 55 Response ratios due to half-sine pulseCHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING5.3 RECTANGULAR IMPULSEPhase I.The suddenly applied load which remains constant during this phase is called
6、 a step loading.The particular solution to the equation of motion for this case is simply the static deflectionUsing this result,the general response-ratio solution,in which the complementary free-vibration solution constants have been evaluated to satisfy the at-rest initial conditions,is easily fo
7、und to beCHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADINGPhase II.Taking the vector sum of the two orthogonal components in this expression givesshowing that the maximum response to the rectangular impulse varies as a sine function for CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING5.4 SHOCK OR RESPONSE SPECTRAthe m
8、aximum response depends only on the ratio of the impulse duration to the natural period of the structure.It is useful to plot the maximum value of response ratio as a function of for various forms of impulsive loading,commonly known as displacement-response spectra.FIGURE 56 Displacement-response sp
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