1、概概 述述 (二)虫卵形态(二)虫卵形态三、生活史三、生活史感染期感染期虫卵虫卵经肛门手口经肛门手口感染人体感染人体 在小肠在小肠幼虫幼虫移入回盲部移入回盲部成虫成虫蛲虫生活史流程图蛲虫生活史流程图三、致病三、致病四、实验诊断四、实验诊断1.透明胶纸法或棉签拭子法:查肛周皮肤,要在清晨便前和洗澡前检查。Adult PinwormsAn Adult Pinworm头头 部部 结结 构构 头端角头端角皮膨大,皮膨大,形成头形成头翼。翼。咽管末咽管末端膨大端膨大呈球形,呈球形,称咽管称咽管球。球。Enterobius vermicularis AdultThe cephalic alae are c
2、learly seen at the anterior end.The cuticle and the alae are transversely striated.Corpus,isthmus and the oesophageal bulb are also visile.Anal smear showing large numbers of Enterobius eggs.In the background are also two Ascaris eggs.100.Enlarged by 5.4.蛲虫卵形态蛲虫卵形态Adult Pinworms on the perianal Skin
3、雌虫的产卵活动所引起雌虫的产卵活动所引起的肛门及会阴部皮肤搔的肛门及会阴部皮肤搔痒及继发性炎症,是蛲痒及继发性炎症,是蛲虫病的虫病的主要症状主要症状蛲虫性阑尾炎蛲虫性阑尾炎Enterobius in the lumen of appendix.This worm is an occasional cause of appendicitis;In this photograph the whole appendix is show.5.Enlarged by 5.5.蛲虫性阑尾炎蛲虫性阑尾炎Enterobius in the lumen of appendix.Section has cut t
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- 蛲虫 钩虫