1、资信证明文件(精选多篇)第一篇:银行资信证明文件的说明银行资信证明文件的说明(设立外资企业程序中)在设立外商投资企业的过程中,为了对境外投资方的资金状 况持有基本的保障,在向外经贸委提交的审批文件中有一项是银 行资信证明。资信证明是指由银行或者其他金融机构出具的足以 证明他人资产、信用状况的各种文件、凭证等。此类证明文件不 论以何种名义、形式出具,核心是证明他人拥有某项资产、债权 或者具有何种程度经济实力等等。银行接受客户申请,在银行记 录资料的范围内,通过对客户的资金运动记录及相关信息的采集 整理,以对外出具资信证明函件的形式,证明客户信誉状况的一 种咨询见证。通常银行给其公司客户出具的银行
2、资信证明包括银行的开 户时间、资本概况、财务往来信誉、账户资金等项,例:credibility letter银行资信证明日期:1999年8月21日august 21 ,20XX 年上海市对外经济贸易委员会中国,上海shanghai foreign economic relations and trade Commissionshanghaipeople,s republic of china敬启者:to whom it may concern:兹证明abc有限公司总裁罗斯凯乐先生在商业银行开立有 数个账户。正式商务账户于1997年9月开立,金融市场账户于 1999年8月开立。先在敝银行的全部存
3、款余额为984, 654.00美 元。please be advised that mr. ross.galler, president of abc co., ltd. has established several accounts with commerce bank. the regular business account was established in September 1997 and the money market account was established in this august 1999. the total balance of deposit at
4、our bank for both accounts is US$984 , 654.00.其账户信誉一贯良好。their accounts have always been in good standing.Wt thank you.致礼sincerely,(签名处)(SignatUre)(姓名)(name)商业银行commerce bank(t) (address)在实际操作中,往往境外投资方的开户银行有各自的银行资 信证明文件格式,不同银行的银行资信证明文件条款对于银行可 以作出肯定性承诺的范围限制是不同的,越是大型的银行,对于 其在银行资信证明文件中作出的肯定性承诺越是谨慎。如美国国家
5、银行,仅能在其给客户开具的银行资信证明文件 中对自开具银行资信证明文件之日起三个月前的客户账户基本 信息进行事实性描述,包括开户日期、账户性质、账户余额、账 户末四位帐号。这样的大型银行不仅不会在银行资信证明文件中 对公司客户的账户信誉状况做诸如“良好”之类的肯定性承诺,且 对于银行自己对于客户账户信息的内容也会进行其他免则声明, 如“本银行对发生在本资信证明文件签发后发生的客户账户信息 变动不承担责任”等。资信证明书(英文样本)(hereinafter called the client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the bank) to
6、issue this credit reference (hereinafter called the reference ). situation has been confirmed as following:the client holds (a) settlement account (s) with the bank. from(mmyyy) to (mm ddthe statements of the bank:1. the bank shall only be responsible for the accuracy of clients record with the bank
7、 in terms of loan and interest repayment, capital settlement and the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement during the period as indicated hereninabove. the bank shall not be responsible for any changes arising before and after the period as indicated in the reference.2. the reference
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