1、These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill,2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.1第十三章n软件质量保证软件质量保证Slide Set to accompanySoftware Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e by Roger S.PressmanSlides copyright 1996,2001,2005,2009 by Roge
2、r S.PressmanFor non-profit educational use onlyMay be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level when used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e.Any other reproduction or use is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.All copyright
3、 information MUST appear if these slides are posted on a website for student use.SQA元素n标准标准n评审与审核评审与审核 n测试相关测试相关n错误错误/缺陷收集与分析缺陷收集与分析n变更管理变更管理n培训培训 n供应商管理供应商管理n安全管理安全管理 n安全安全 n风险管理风险管理These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides cop
4、yright 2009 by Roger Pressman.2SQA 组的角色In对于项目,准备一个对于项目,准备一个SQA 计划计划n计划标识了 准备执行的评估 准备执行的审计与复审 应用于项目的标准 错误报告和跟踪的过程 由SQA组构造的文档 给软件项目团队提供的反馈 n参与项目软件过程描述的定义n SQA 组复审项目过程描述是否与企业规定,内部软件标准,外部标准(如ISO-9001)一致 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Ap
5、proach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,2001,20053SQA 组的角色IIn评审软件工程活动,用于验证这些活动与定义的软件工程过程的评审软件工程活动,用于验证这些活动与定义的软件工程过程的兼容性兼容性n 识别,记录和跟踪与该软件过程的偏差,并验证是否得到改正。n审核制定的软件工作产品,以验证其是否符合定义的软件过程中审核制定的软件工作产品,以验证其是否符合定义的软件过程中的相应部分。的相应部分。n确保软件工作及工作产品中出现的偏差已文档化,并且按照
6、文档确保软件工作及工作产品中出现的偏差已文档化,并且按照文档化的规程进行了处理化的规程进行了处理n记录所有不符合的部分,并报告给高层管理者记录所有不符合的部分,并报告给高层管理者These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,2001,20054SQA 目标n需求
7、质量需求质量n设计质量设计质量n代码质量代码质量n质量控制有效性质量控制有效性.These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.5为什么SQA活动是值得的?These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners
8、Approach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 1996,2001,20056基于统计的SQAThese courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,6/e and are provided with permission by R.S.Pressman&Associates,Inc.,copyright 19
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- 关 键 词:
- 软件工程 实践 研究 方法 chapter13cn 软件 质量保证