1、Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex(TFCC)Tear2023-11-14 Lesions of the triangular fibrocartilage complex(TFCC)are a common source of ulnarsided wrist pain.1,2 Radial side tear or perforations tend to be traumatic and occurs more in young age group,on the other hand,central and ulnar side lesions are m
2、ore often degenerative and commonly seen in older patients21.P S McAlinden,J Teh,.Imaging of the wrist.Imaging 2003;15:180-1922.Philip E.Blazar,Peter S.H.Chan,J.Bruce Kneeland,Donald Leatherwood,David J.Bozentka,Roman Kowalchick,.The Effect of Observer Experience on Magnetic Resonance ImagingInterpr
3、etation and Localization of Triangular Fibrocartilage.Hand Surg 2001;26A:742748AnatomyTFCCTFCCTriangular fibrocartilage (articular disc)Meniscus homologueUCL(ulnar capsule)Volar and Dorsal DRU Ligaments ECU subsheath Prestyloid recess2023-11-14A 3D depiction of the TFCCArthroscopyComplex fibrous str
4、ucture on volar aspect of wristOrigin-dorsal distal corner of sigmoid notchInsertion-triquetrum and base of fifth metatarsalPartially or completely separates pisotriquetral joint from radiocarpal jointMENISCUS HOMOLOGUEULNOLUNATE AND ULNOTRIQUETRAL LIGAMENTSFrom volar aspect of radioulnar ligament t
5、o lunate and Triquetrum Firmly attached to triquetrumLess strong attachment to lunateULNOLUNATE AND ULNOTRIQUETRAL LIGAMENTSFrom volar aspectof radioulnarligament to lunateand triquetrumType 1-TraumaticA Horizontal tearadjacent to the radiusB Peripheraldetachment from the ulnaC Tear of theUlnocarpal
6、 ligamentsD Avulsion fromsigmoid notchPALMER CLASSIFICATIONType II-DegenerativeA Partial thickness thinningof the articular discB A+Chondromalacia oflunate and/or ulnar headC B+full thickness tear ofthe articular discD C+Partial tear of thelunatotriquetral ligamentE D+Full tear of thelunatotriquetra
7、l ligamentand arthrosisPALMER CLASSIFICATIONTFCC TRAUMATIC TEAR2023-11-14Anatomy2023-11-14The ulnar portion of the TFCC is vascularised by ulnar and posterior interosseous artery brachesThe central and radial aspects of the complex are avascularVascular supplyTransmit loadStablise the DRUJbiomechani
8、cal functionsbiomechanical functions2023-11-14 1)stability of the distal radioulnar joint(DRUJ),2)axial load transmission from the carpus to the ulna and 3)ulnar sided carpal stability.Natural History60 years 50%had TFC perforationsFall on dorsiflexed and ulnar deviated wristAxial load with forearm
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