1、一、全球结核病的形势二、我国结核病流行现状三、安徽省结核病的疫情四、安徽省近年来所开展的工作五、安徽省结核病预防控制取得的新进展六、十年规划的成就七、面临的困难和挑战八、下一步的对策 结核病是从远古时代就伴随着我结核病是从远古时代就伴随着我们们,是人类长期的掠夺者是人类长期的掠夺者.结核病目前不仅是一个公共卫生问结核病目前不仅是一个公共卫生问题,已成为严重的社会、经济和政题,已成为严重的社会、经济和政治问题!治问题!世界上世界上1/3人口感染了结核菌,每一秒钟就人口感染了结核菌,每一秒钟就产生一位新的感染者产生一位新的感染者 每年新发生每年新发生850万病例万病例 每年每年有有200万人死于结
2、核病万人死于结核病 2/3的结核病人是青壮年的结核病人是青壮年 1993年:全球结核病紧急状态年:全球结核病紧急状态 1998年:遏止结核病全球性伙伴合作年:遏止结核病全球性伙伴合作 1999年:西太平洋地区结核病危机年:西太平洋地区结核病危机2005年新发结核病例年新发结核病例880万万 死于结核病死于结核病160万人万人The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of
3、 the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country,territory,city or area or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.WHO 2005.All righ
4、ts reservedAFR 28%WPR 22%SEAR 34%EUR 5%EMR 7%AMR 4%0-2425-4950-99100-299No estimate300 or moreEstimated new TB cases(all forms)per 100 000 population012341990199520002005Millions of new cases per yearE EuropeAfricaRest of world67891990199520002005Millions of new cases per year110120130140New cases p
5、er 100,000 per yearRate per 100,000Millions of cases全球结核病发病率全球结核病发病率 2005年发病率稳中有降年发病率稳中有降,病人数还在增加病人数还在增加非洲非洲HIV对结核病的影响对结核病的影响1994-2003 新病人中的新病人中的MDR-TBEstoniaRussia(Ivanovo)LatviaChina(Henan)China(Liaoning)Dominican RepRussia(Tomsk)IsraelIvory CoastEcuadorKazakhstanUzbekistanLithuaniaIran4.97.810.46
6、.612.发现发现XDR-TB的国家的国家 已经发现的病例已经发现的病例Czech RepublicThe boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the WHO concerning the legal status of any country,territory,city or area or of
7、its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.WHO 2005.All rights reservedEcuadorGeorgiaArgentinaBangladeshGermanyRepublic of KoreaArmeniaRussian FederationSouth Afri
8、caPortugalLatviaMexicoPeruUSABrazilUKSwedenThailandChileBased on MMWR March 2006 data,and information provided to WHO Stop TB Department January 2007 SpainIslamic Republic of Iran China,Hong Kong SARFranceCase detection:60%by 200501020304050607080199019952000200520102015YearDetection rate new sm+cas
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- 结核病 预防 控制 进展