12Related Courses 1、Management2、Organizational Behavior3、 Human Resource Management4、 international business management 5、Cross culture management 6、International Enterprize HRM3 Text Books1.Arthur Sherman/George Bohlander/Scott Snell .,东北财经大东北财经大学出版社学出版社,1998年年4月第月第1版版. 2.Peter J. Dowling/Denice E. Welch. , Thomson Learning,20053.林新奇主编.国际人力资源管理,复旦大学出版社,2004年7月4.Gary Dessler. Human Resource Management (9th Edition) .Prentice Hall,2005.104Supplementary readings 1.第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实务第五项修炼:学习型组织的艺术与实务( The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization ),彼得圣吉(Peter M.Senge) 2.基业长青基业长青(Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies),吉姆柯林斯(James C. Collins), 杰里波拉斯(Jerry I. Porras) 3.追求卓越追求卓越(In search of Excellence: Lessons from Americas Best-Run Companies), 彼得斯(Thomas Peters ), 罗伯特沃特曼( Robert H. Waterman )4.公司再造公司再造(Reengineering the Corporation:A Manifesto for Business Revolution)迈克尔哈默(Michael Hammer), 詹姆斯钱皮(James A. Champy) 5.竞争优势竞争优势(Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance)迈克尔波特(Michael E. Porter) 5Course Design I. What is IHRMII. Managing Across Borders III. International Staffing IV. Training And Development V. Re-entry and Career issues VI. Performance Appraisal VII. Compensation Management VIII. International Organization And Labor Relations 6Introduction In 1990s it cost $28 an hour to employ a production worker in Germany, $ 19 an hour in Japan, $18 an hour in U.S.A.; but only $5 in Hong Kong, $1.75 in Mexico and $0.50 in Sri Lanka. Capital and jobs moving to developing countries; their purchasing power for imported goods growing rapidly. 7Human Resource ActivitiesProcure Allocate UtilizeHost-country nationals (HCNs)Parent-country nationals(PCNs)Third-country nations(TCNs) Type of employeesHostHomeOthercountriesA model of IHRM8 The major differences between domestic and international staffing are the firms predisposition towards who should hold key positions in headquarters and subsidiaries (ethnocentric,polycentric,regiocentric and geocentric),the constraint imposed by host governments and the firms ability to attract the right candidates Further, as most expatriates are recruited internally rather than externally, Persuading managers to release their best employees for international assignments is emerging as a key role for corporate HR.Differences91、Recruitment2.1 To define Recruitment2.2 Approaches to staffing 2.3 A philosophy toward staffing2.4 Influence Factors102.1 To define Recruitment Recruitment is defined as searching for and obtaining potential job candidates in sufficient numbers and quality so that the organization can select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs112.2 Approaches to staffing There are staffing issues that internationalizing firms confront that are either not present in a domestic environment or are complicated by the international context in which these activities take place. 12 For example, a US MNE wishes to appoint a new finance director for its Irish subsidiary. It may decide to fill the position by selecting from finance staff available in its parent operations (that is, a PCN), or to recruit locally (an HCN) or seek a suitable candidate from one of its other foreign subsidiaries (a TCN). 13How it responds is partly determined by factors such as: its general staffing policy on key position in headquarters and subsidiaries (that is, ethnocentrism, polycentrism, geocentrism and regiocentrism)The constrains placed by the host government on hiring policiesStaff availability14Four primary attitudes The IHEM literature uses four terms to describe MNE approaches to managing and staffing their subsidiaries. These terms taken from the seminal work of perlmutter, who claimed that it was possible to identify among international executives three primary attitudes ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentrictowards building a multinational enterprise, based on top management assumptions upon which key product , functional and geographical decision were made.15 To demonstrate these three attitudes, Perlmutter used aspects of organizational design, such as decision-making, evaluation and control, information flows and complexity of organization. He also included perpetuation, which he defined as recruiting, staffing, development. A fourth attitude -regiocentric-was added later.16local responsiveness Global IntegrityLowHighHighEthnocentric GeocentricRegiocentric Polycentric17 We shall consider the connection between these four categories and staffing practices and examine the advantages and disadvantage of each approach.18Ethnocentric Few foreign subsidiaries have any autonomy and strategic decision are made at headquarters. Key positions in domestic and foreign operations are held by headquarter personnel. Subsidiaries are managed by staff from the home country (PCNs). 19 There are often sound business reasons for pursuing an ethnocentric staffing policy:a perceived lack of qualified host-country nationals (HCNs).The need to