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    化学专业英语演讲有机化学发展史Development of organic chemistry and its impact on the development of science and technology有机合成的发展及其对科有机合成的发展及其对科学技术发展的影响学技术发展的影响First part : A brief historyPhase One: Infancy (Early 19th century - 1858) Chemical development of this period is the basis for the development of organic chemistry. Lavoisier is known as the father of modern chemistry. Phase Two: Classic Period (1858-1916) During this period the emergence of a large number of well-known organic chemist.Figure character is a famous organic chemist Kekule and Vant Hoff. Phase III: Modern Age Organic Chemistry (1916 to date) This is the theoretical basis of organic chemistry more perfect time.The most famous organic chemist is Woodward in this period , he was known as the father of modern organic chemistry. Second part: Advances in Organic Synthesis Organic Chemistry is a very important chemical sciences in the two disciplines, is most closely associated with the chemical branch of human life, its development and the development of human society are closely related.(1)Reactions and synthesis metal participatingCH bond activation In addition to palladium and other precious metals rhodium catalyzed carbon-hydrogen bond activation【1,2,3】, the use of relatively inexpensive copper, iron and other metals to achieve carbon-hydrogen bond activation has also been a great concern. Such as N Jiao【4】realized copper-catalyzed aniline ortho CH bond activation to introduce an azide group.The coupled reaction L Liu by copper-catalyzed realized an alkyl halide the coupling reaction with secondary alkyl halides and Grignard reagent【5】.Metal-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis reaction Chiral nitrogen oxides metal complex X M Feng development in the unsaturated ketone chloramine reaction【6】, a ketone - Diazoamides electrophilic addition reaction【7】, asymmetric BaeyerVilliger oxidation reaction【8】, are reflected in very excellent choice .(2) Reactions and synthesis of non-metallic participation The chemists of our countrys fast track, there have been new results were published【9,10】, such as S Yie【11】 reported that cinchona alkaloids catalyzed , - unsaturated acid chloride azodicarboxylate and the reaction can be achieved - amination.Third part: Organic synthesis of technological development With the continuous development of science and technology, organic synthesis are more important, it developed in many fields like bionic biology, new energy development and new drugs play an irreplaceable role. (1) The importance of organic synthesis for drug discovery synthetic organic chemistry is crucial for rapid navigation of increasingly complex drugable chemical space【12】.It is also critical in determining discovery cycle times and development speeds associated with drug candidates【13】. Most new drugs are developed using organic synthesis methods suce as antidiabetic agent ertugliflozin【14】.(2) Effect of Organic Synthesis of bionics DNA-inspired organic chemistry has become a classic branch in bioorganic research【15】. In this area has developed into a new discipline - bionic organic chemistry.(3) Effect of organic synthesis of new energy discovery The new energy research and development has been the focus of modern scientific research, such as bio-diesel.References【1】Z H Guan, M Chen, Z H en J Am Chem Soc , 2012,134: 17490 17493【2】P Xie, Y Xie, B Qian et al J Am Chem Soc , 2012,134: 9902 9905【3】 Zeng, C Fu, S Ma J Am Chem Soc , 2012, 134:9597 9600【4】C Tang, N Jiao J Am Chem Soc , 2012, 134: 18924 18927【5】C T Yang, Z Q Zhang, J Liang et al J Am Chem Soc ,2012, 134: 11124 11127【6】Y F Cai, X H Liu, J Jiang et al J Am Chem Soc ,2011, 133: 5636 5639【7】W Li, X H Liu, X Y Hao et al J Am Chem Soc , 2011,133: 15268 15271【8】L Zhou, X H Liu, J Ji et al J Am Chem Soc , 2012,134: 17023 17026【9】K A Ahrendt, C J Borths, D W C MacMillan J Am ChemSoc , 2000, 122: 4243 4244【10】B List, A Lerner, C F Barbas J Am Chem Soc ,2000, 122: 2395 2396【11】L T Shen, L H Sun, S Ye J Am Chem Soc , 2011,133: 15894 15897【12】Vincent Mascitti, Benjamin A. Thuma, Aaron C. Smith. Med. Chem. Commun.,2012, 4,101.【13】F. Lovering, J. Bikker and C. Humblet, Escape from Flatland: Increasing Saturation as an Approach to Improvinc Clinical Success, J. Med. Chem., 2009, 52, 6752.【14】A. Nadin, C. Hattotuwagama and I. Churcher, Leadoriented synthesis: a new opportunity for synthetic chemistry, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 1114.【15】Salvador Tomas. Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem., Sect. B, 2011, 107, 390413.专英32翻译.pdfThank You


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