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    English Course for Biotechnology共共 勉勉 知识永远是死物,如果说你具备多少知识知识永远是死物,如果说你具备多少知识就代表你拥有多少能力,那么这世界将失就代表你拥有多少能力,那么这世界将失去变数,而没有变数的世界就如精确的逻去变数,而没有变数的世界就如精确的逻辑,就没有了思想,没有了灵魂,也就没辑,就没有了思想,没有了灵魂,也就没有了激情。有了激情。 如果你不将你学到的知识系统融会贯通变如果你不将你学到的知识系统融会贯通变成你的一种习惯与本能,那么你永远只有成你的一种习惯与本能,那么你永远只有感触而没有收获。感触而没有收获。授 课 内 容第一单元 A Basic Primer on Biotechnology科技英语文体特征,词汇分类、特点,语法特点第二单元 What Is the Human Genome Project? 科技英语中缩写的应用第三单元 Plant Biotechnology 科技论文的英文题目、作者、单位与关键词第四单元 PCR科技英语中图和表的应用第五单元 Ti Plasmid-mediated Gene Transfer to Higher Plant Cells 段落的结构和展开 第六单元 Application of Transgenic Technology in Plant Breeding 科技论文的英文摘要第七单元 Introduction to Microbial Genome Project科技论文的整体结构第八单元 Biological Analysis in Environmental Monitoring英文简历及自荐信写作综合练习及考核课程基本要求 了解专业英语的文体特征 了解专业英语文献的阅读方法 能够较好地用英语描述科技知识和理解本专业 用英语描述的科技知识 (翻译)翻译) 通过专业英语学习巩固专业知识 学习英语科技文章写作的基本知识 学习和掌握英文摘要和个人简历的写作方法翻译(translation) Translating is rending from one language into another, i.e. the faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another language. The main principles of translation are faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance (信、达、雅) which were first proposed by Yan Fu . she had long lost the blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity face form, the apple-blossom coloring, had so swiftly so oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, she was still forty-three a comely faithful companion, cheeks were faintly mottled, gray-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness. (John Galsworthy 高尔斯华高尔斯华绥绥, 1867-1933,英国小说家英国小说家,剧作家剧作家,曾获得曾获得1933年诺贝尔文年诺贝尔文学奖学奖)26年前,她那有着蔚蓝色眼睛的、鲜花一般的魅力,那脸庞年前,她那有着蔚蓝色眼睛的、鲜花一般的魅力,那脸庞和身材冰清玉洁、婀娜多姿的风韵,还有那苹果花似的颜和身材冰清玉洁、婀娜多姿的风韵,还有那苹果花似的颜色,曾经是那么猝不及防地、莫名其妙地使艾舍斯特怦然色,曾经是那么猝不及防地、莫名其妙地使艾舍斯特怦然心动。而今这一切虽然早已失去,心动。而今这一切虽然早已失去,43岁的她依然是一个面岁的她依然是一个面目娇好、忠实可靠的伴侣,只是两颊已出现淡淡的斑痕,目娇好、忠实可靠的伴侣,只是两颊已出现淡淡的斑痕,灰蓝色的眼睛也添了几分饱满和成熟。灰蓝色的眼睛也添了几分饱满和成熟。 描述客观事实、现象和过程;科学理论、原理和概念等 传递内容量大、信息丰富 追求行文简洁、结构紧凑 注重逻辑严密、层次分明和重点突出科技英语文体特征词汇分类技术词 antibody, gene, adenine , plasmid次技术词 power, factor, key, mouse 普通词汇Attention to sub-technical wordsResistance: 反抗,抵抗,电阻,阻尼电阻,阻尼Work:工作,功,工程,工事功,工程,工事Coat: 外衣, 镀层镀层Horse:马,支架,铁杆支架,铁杆Eye: 眼, 孔环孔环Ear: 耳, 吊钩吊钩词汇特征(一)希腊语和拉丁语词源 vacuum, motor , chromosome, chlorophyll选用正式程度高的词汇 accomplish/do, optimum/best单个动词代替短语/词组 absorb/take in, eliminate/get rid of Specialization of the Words in Common Use For example, template( 刻印模版,pattern or gauge usu. A thin board or mental plate used as a guide in cutting or drilling metal, wood, etc. 新义(遗传):“遗传密码载体分子”(a molecule in a biological system that carriers the genetic code for another macromolecule 词汇特征(二)Anneal: to heat and then cool (as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle ; also : to cool slowly usually in a furnace to heat and then cool (double-stranded nucleic acid) in order to separate strands and induce combination at lower temperature with complementary strands Denature: to deprive of natural qualities : change the nature of: to make (alcohol) unfit for drinking (as by adding an obnoxious substance) without impairing usefulness for other purposes to modify the molecular structure of (as a protein or DNA) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so as to destroy or diminish some of the original properties and especially the specific biological activityBlast: a violent gust of wind ; a forceful hit (as in baseball) or shot (as in soccer or golf) etc.Basic Local Alignment Search Tool - the protein and nucleic acid sequence search engine developed at NCBI that allows you to search sequence databases. One Word with Multiple Meanings For example, “transmission”, in radio engineering, it means “传送” or “播送”; in mechanics, it means “传动” or “变速”; in physics, it means “透射”; in medicine, it means “遗传”, etc. 词汇特征(二)使用科技长句的倾向较多的使用名词化结构常用It 句型结构被动语态的广泛使用语法特征使用科技长句的倾向 The method normally employed for free electronics to be produced in electron tubes is thermionic emission, in which advantage is taken of the fact that, if a solid body is heated sufficiently, some of the electrons that it contains will escape from its surface. 固体加热到足够温度时,它所含的电子就会有一部分离开固体表面飞逸到周围的空气中去,这种现象称热离子放射;通常,电子管就利用这种现象产生自由电子 。使用科技长句的倾向 Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 行为主义者认为, 如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素, 这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展, 那么, 儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平。较多的使用名词化结构 Presently, most transgenic animals are designed to assist researchers in the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. Archimeds first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss can be considerably reduced. The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night 较多的使用名词化结构 make use of(利用), pay attention to(注意), Obtain support from(得到支持), Keep watch over(密切注视), Make a claim to(主张), have a look at, give no evidence of(不足以说明), take warning from(从中引以为戒) with a view to (根据), in accordance with (依照)


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