What is language for? Some people think its for grammar and .words-the longer the words the better. Thats wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication. The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.Relax! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign languages should be fun.Benefit and Task YOU Can guide the foreigner guest free, and provide perfect service for the foreigner guest in the hotel. SO you will get more chance to earn more money! SO you will get more chance to promote your career!Way of teaching and learning practical situation 情境学习情境学习 group study 小组学习小组学习 role-play 角色扮演角色扮演 task-drive 任务驱动任务驱动12345 self-show 自我秀自我秀 Chapter1 Chapter1 导游流程与实践导游流程与实践 tour guide procedures in practicetour guide procedures in practice广西导游英语广西导游英语导游流程与实践(导游流程与实践(10课时)课时)(Diccy- Tan) 2011-082011-08Contentsmeeting guests and welcome speechdiscussing the tour arrangement the airport and customsdeparture and farewell speech special tour guide service Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5一一 meeting guests and welcome speechStudy Objectives1 1学会用英语与客人有效沟通,证实客人身份,询问旅游事宜学会用英语与客人有效沟通,证实客人身份,询问旅游事宜 2 2熟练掌握与本话题相关的专业英语词汇及常用句型表达熟练掌握与本话题相关的专业英语词汇及常用句型表达3 3学会英语欢迎客人的礼仪致欢迎辞学会英语欢迎客人的礼仪致欢迎辞Part One Background Question: How to meet the tourists? SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 11. Arrival at the meeting sites on time.2. Greeting the group.3. Liaise with the group leader. li:ez4. Give Self-introduction.5. Lead them to the coach. SECSECSECSECSEC6. Make a welcome speech.7. introduce the city and hotel.8 Assist the tourists to check in.9. Inform the meeting time and arrange the morning call, and tell the tourists the place for breakfast and the time for luggage collection.10. Check the luggage and assist the tourists to their rooms.Part Two DialogueMr. Osborne B: a traveler C: GUIDEExcuse me. Are you the Tour Group?1Yes, we are.Welcome to Xian. Im Ma from the Xian office of China International Travel Service, Xian branch.2 The ravel service has sent me here to meet you. Who is the group leader, please?3Its me, Robert Osborne.Nice to meet you, Mr. Osborne.4 Nice to meet you all, ladies and gentlemen.Nice to meet you, too. Its very kind of you to meet us here at the airport.My pleasure. During your visit to Xian, Ill be your tour guide.A:C:A:C:A:C:B:C:Part Two DialogueA: That will be great.C: Do you have any checked luggage to collect?A: Yes, we checked eight traveling bags.C: Lets wait here then.(In a short while, the tour group got their checked bags.)A: We have got back the checked bags now. Shall we leave the airport now?C: Yes. Follow me, please. A CITS bus is waiting for us.A: Its very thoughtful of you to make this arrangement.Part Two Dialogue1C: The bus will first take us to the hotel where CITS has reserved rooms for you. The hotel has a restaurant and a snack bar. Weve already booked four tables for you at the hotels restaurant. After a short rest in your rooms, you can have your lunch at the restaurant. Ill discuss the itinerary for your Xian tour after lunch. What do you say to that?A: Thats fine. Thank you. Dialogue1 Vocabularychecked luggage (随飞机)托运的行李thoughtful :tful adj. 考虑周到的;体贴的luggage claim section 行李领取处itinerary aitinrri, it- n. 旅行计划;旅程;旅行路线返回Dialogue1 Notes1. Im Ma from the Xian office of China International Travel Service. 我姓马,是中国国际旅行社驻西安办事处的。China International Travel Service: CITS 中国国际旅行社China Youth Travel Service: CYTS 中国青年旅行社 China Travel Service: CTS 中国旅行社2. Who is the group leader, please? Its me/Thats me. 请问谁是旅行团的领队?Part Two Dialogue2A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Green from Britain?B: Yes. Im glad you recognize me.A: “A man with white hair and beard”-Isnt that how you describe yourself in the fax? So its easy to spot you in any crowd1. Let me introduce myself: Im Susan, the tour guide from CYTS. How do you do?B: How do you do? Im glad to know you. Pardon me, I didnt quite catch your name just now2. Would you please repeat it?A: Its Susan. S-U-S-A-N.Part Two Dialogue2A: Oh, Susan, am I right?B: Quite right. Do you have any unaccompanied luggage3? B: No. I always travel with these two bags.A: Let me carry your luggage, Mr. Green.B: Thank you, please.A: The car is waiting outside to take us to the hotel. Ive reserved a suite4 for you at Dragon Hotel, one of the biggest in Beijing.B: Thank you very much.Dialogue2 VocabularyBritain britn n. 英国recognize rekgnaiz vt. 认出;辨认;承认beard bid n. 络腮胡子describe diskraib vt 描绘,叙述;形容spot spt vt. (口语)认出,发现CYTS 中国国际青年旅行社unaccompanied nkmpnid adj. 无伴的;无随从的Notes返回1. .spot you in any crowd . 在人群中发现你。2. I didnt quite catch your name 我没记住你的名字。3. unaccompanied luggage 托运行李 checked luggage 托运行李4. suite 套房 Part 3 Useful Expressions1 Im the guide from CYTS. 我是中青旅的导游。2. The coach is waiting outside. 车子在外面等候。3. Did you have a pleasant trip? 一路上怎么样啊?4. How many pieces of luggage do you have all together? 你们总共有多少件行李啊?5. You must be very tired after such a long journey. 经过漫长的旅途,您一定很疲倦了。Part 3 Useful Expressions6. I cant be bear suffering jetlag af