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    Lecture 6Cover Letters(求职信求职信)An effective cover letter should be:nSimple nBrief nSpecificnIn focus Opening (Catching the readers attention)Why you are writing?nState clearly the job that you are applying for.nExplain how you found out about the job. nDescribe why you are applying for this job. (optional)Positions and sources a.I would like to apply for the position of an assistant chemist/ I am interested in a software engineering position as advertised in todays China Daily. b.I am writing in response to your advertisement for an editor of English in yesterdays Changjiang Weekly. c.Your advertisement for a sales manager in Wuhan Evening Paper of March 8 arouses my interest a great deal. d.Learning from Mr. Jack Williams that you are looking for an electrical engineer, I would like to be considered for the position.e.I understand from Mr. Jack Williams that there is an opening/vacancy forf.From your companys website I learned about your need for an experienced secretary. I hope to offer my service at your company. Reasons for applicationnI have always wanted to dedicate myself to promoting womens interests. As your organization is involved in this, I see excellent chances for combining work and ideals.nThis job appeals to me, because I think it is a challenge to develop an educational program that motivates and interests students. From my own experience I know that this is not always very easy, but that it is very satisfying to see it work. nI see the editorial job at your company as a next step in my career. The fact that your company pays a great deal of attention to training, assessment and career planning is going to be of great help to me in my professional development. An opening: nI am interested in applying for any marketing job available in your company. As my resume shows, I have a B.A. in Business Management from Nanjing University. I am looking for a job that will be challenging and that will give me lots of chances to move ahead in my career. Body (Sell yourself, but dont oversell) lIntroducing yourself Who are you? What are you doing now or have done recently? lPresenting your qualifications Why you can do the job?Brief self-introductiona.I am at present a senior in accounting at New York University, due to graduate in May. b.I have a masters / Ph. D. degree in computer science. c.I am presently engaged as a junior financial analyst at ABC company in California.I am the best candidate!nRelevant work experience & achievements nKey Skills & abilities Work experience & accomplishments a.I have 4 years of experience working in the garment industry as a fashion designer.b.I worked for five years in a senior management position at the Shanghai Branch of the Bank of China.c.After completing my course in Economics, I worked as an account manager for three years and gained experience in account management.For students: a.While working toward my masters degree, I was employed as a teacher of Chinese with a small private school. b.During my summer job with a joint venture in Tianjin, I gained a great deal of knowledge about foreign trade and learned how to communicate with people of different interests and backgrounds. c.Working part-time as a bookkeeper, I also assisted with the development of ideas for special promotional events. Make compound sentencesExample 1 nI once lived in Tokyo.nI obtained a valuable insight into the Japanese culture. nMy time spent living in Tokyo ensured that I obtained a valuable insight into the Japanese culture. Example 2 nI taught second graders at Rainbow Riders School. During that time, I had numerous chances to observe and participate in effective classroom management.nMy experience of teaching second graders at Rainbow Riders School has given/afforded/offered me the chance to observe and participate in effective classroom management. nAs a second-grade teacher, I had numerous chances to observe and participate in effective classroom management.Example 3nI can speak three languages fluently. nI have worked with international visitors. nI am able to organize various social activities.nSo I think I could assist your department in this new arena. nMy fluency in three languages, experience of working with international visitors, and ability to organize various social activities would allow/enable me to assist your department in this new arena. More examples: 1.I believe my business education, wide range of work experience, and success in managing my finances provides me with a valuable understanding of the financial world of Technology, Inc. 2.My considerable knowledge of and extensive contact withwould make my job as a much more efficient and productive. 3.With my strong/solid academic background in biology and marketing, I think that I could apply my combination of knowledge and experience to the health industry. 4.With my undergraduate coursework, my training in sociology, and my work experience, I believe I could make a valuable contribution to your corporation in this


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