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    仓库安全管理是一系列管理规则和最佳实践的组合,来帮助 员工确保一个安全的工作环境和加强安全的作业行为。从可 持续运营的立场来看,健康与安全需要放在非常优先的位置, 根据美国国家职业健康安全局发布的伤亡数据,仓库的伤亡 事故率高于全行业的平均水平。Warehouse safety is a set of regulatory guidelines and industry best practices to help warehousing personnel ensure a safe work environment and reinforce safe behavior when working in warehouses. For sustainable warehouse operations, health and safety should be prioritized as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) revealed that the fatal injury rate for the warehousing industry is higher than the national average for all industries.本文内容提要This article features:仓库安全的重要度 the importance of warehouse safety;.美国职业安全局的仓库标准及仓库安全指导OSHA warehousing standards and warehouse safety guidelines;八种常见安全风险及如何消除风险the 8 most common safetyhazards in a warehouse and how to eliminate them;最重要的三条的安全提示及实践top 3 warehouse safety tipsand best practices;仓库安全项目 培训及主题warehouse safety program, training, and topics; and仓库安全点检项目 free warehouse safety checklists you can download, customize, and use.为什么仓库安全是重要的?Why is Warehouse Safety Important?仓库是一个危险的工作区域。理解常见的风险就非常重要, 因为这些能导致伤害乃至死亡风险。根据美国劳工局的统计 显示平均美国每年16起仓库死亡事故,仓库伤残比例达到员 工总数的5%oWarehouses can be dangerous places to work in. It is important to understand common warehouse dangers and hazards because they can cause injuries and in extreme cases death. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an average of 16 fatalities every year in the U.S. warehousing and storage sector and a reported injury and illness rate of 5 out of every 100 warehouse and storage workers.美国职业健康安全局规定与仓库安全原则OSHA Warehouse Regulations and Warehouse Safety Rules其实没有明确界定仓库安全规定和仓库运营,不过这些在总 体管理要求里分别体现,参考一下的相关要求:While there are no explicit OSHA warehousing regulations, warehouse operations fall under the general industry requirements which include the following OSHA standards:风险沟通Hazard Communication -仓库运行方需要准备同 时执行一个书面的沟通函,使仓库作业人员了解自身所曝露 的风险,以及他们如何防护自己。Warehouse operators should prepare and implement a written Hazard Communication (HazCom) program and warehouse workers who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals should know about them and how to protect themselves.应急处置计划Emergency Action Plan (EAP) -如果仓库业 主没有自己的消防队,他们就需要指定一个仓库或者或者其 他应急事件的预案。If warehouse owners do not have an inhouse fire brigade, then they should have a detailed plan describing the actions warehousing employees should take in the event of a fire or other emergency situations.火灾防范Fire Safety -仓库如果雇佣超过10个员工,就需要指定一个书面的火灾预防计划,将其保存于仓库里,让仓 库员工学习确认。Warehouse management employing more than 10 workers should have a written fire prevention plan, kept in the warehouse and made available to warehouse personnel for review.紧急通道Exit Routes -仓库至少需要两个以上的紧急通道。 这些通道需要远离可能被烟火封堵的路线,需要定期检查、 维护等。Warehouses should have at least two well-designed and well-constructed emergency exit routeslocated as far away as practical from each other in case one is blocked by fire or smoke一that are regularly inspected for maintenance, safeguards, and operational features.行走通道或者工作面Walking / Working Surfaces -仓库员 工如果是高位作业人员特别是升降平台,需要设置保护系统 来防止坠落。这些坠落事故是非常显著的严重伤亡事故来源。 Warehouse and storage facility workers working at heights, especially on elevated platforms, should have fall protection systems to protect themselves from falls which is among the leading causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths.医学急救装置Medical and First Aid -美国职业健康安全局 要求仓库运营者需要提供急救装置。OSHA requires warehouse operators to provide medical and first- aid personnel and supplies commensurate with warehouse hazards such as faulty pallet racks and racking falls due to unsafe use of forklifts, among others.仓库安全风险以及如何处理Warehouse Safety Hazards and What to Do When You Encounter Them 以下是8类常见安全风险以及安全提示Here are 8 of the most common warehouse safety hazards and safety tips and resources to help you identify and control them:1 .叉车 Forklifts叉车是仓库运营的关键设备。可是如果不正确地使用,可能 导致操作人员和周边行人以及财产损失。不安全的操作叉车 是最经常的安全事故-根据健康安全局的数据。Forklifts are critical pieces of equipment used in warehousing and storage facilities. However, when operated incorrectly can cause serious damage to operators, nearby workers and property. Unsafe use of forklifts is the most often cited hazard in warehousing operations by OSHA. Below are a few basic warehouse safety tips to follow in forklift use:确保叉车司机是经过培训且胜任的。需要保持经常的培训, 评估司机是否安全操作叉车。Ensure all forklift operators are competent and have completed certified training. Perform regular refresher training and evaluation when an operator is observed operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.需要执行日常的班次前点检。Perform daily pre-start forklift equipment inspections to check for controls and equipment damage.2 .装卸跳板Docks一个非常危险的事故是员工被卡在叉车和装卸月台之间。比 较常见的是叉车离开月台,撞击到行人。One of the worst accidents a worker could suffer when working in a warehouse is being pinned or crushed between a forklift truck and the loading dock. This typically occurs when a forklift runs off the dock and strikes a person. Follow the tips below to ensure the


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