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    教学设计Unit3 Story time.docx

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    教学设计Unit3 Story time.docx

    Teaching DesignUnit 3 My weekend plan (C Story time)Analysis of the textThe text is from Unit 3, Grade 6 of PEP primary English students, book. Ifs a story at the end of this unit. Stories can stimulate students, interest and improve their concentration on learning. The completeness of the story helps students develop their language comprehension skills.IWhat:The characters in the story are Zoom and Zip. The topic is about swimming. At the beginning of the story, Zoom expresses his desire to learn how to swim. The whole story revolves around how Zoom Ieams to swim. At the end of the story, Zoom can swim successfully with the help of Zip.How:The text is a story. The problem of the story is that Zoom can,t swim and he is afraid of water. Then Zoom learns to swim step by step through practice. This is the solution of the story. The result of the story is that Zoom can swim at last and he knows 4iIearn by doing,Why:The purpose of the text is to help students understand the meaning of ttIearn by doing“ and encourage students to try to learn a new skill bravely.Analysis of the studentsWhat they knew:Students may master some simple reading skills. Students can use “be going to" to talk about plans.What they wonder:Students are interested in the story and they may want to know the plot of the story. Students may not know how to look for the structure of the story.What they will learn:Students will understand the meaning of uIeam by doing, Students will master more reading skills and reading strategies.Teaching aimsBy the end of this lesson, students will be able to!.Understand the story and perceive the features of the story.2 .Master some reading skills such as prediction from the pictures and reasoning through context.3 .Design and revise scripts and act out the story according to their scripts.4 .Cultivate their divergent thinking, deep thinking and inference abilities by thinking about questions.5.Understand the meaning of tieam by doing” and be encouraged to try to Ieam a new skill by doing.Teaching key points and difficult pointsKey points: Students can read and understand the story and understanc Difficult points: Students can adapt the story.the meaning of ttIeam by doing”Teaching procedures(Teacher distributes task lists and evaluation forms to students before class)Step 1: Warm up and lead in!.Greetings2.Free talkTeacher has a free talk with students. Students talk about what they are going to do on the weekend.T: m going to stay at home this weekend. How about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?Ss: m going to .【设计意图】进行简单的自由谈话,询问学生周末打算做什么, 一方面复习本单元句型m going to,一方面引出下一步话题 Fm going to watch Olympic Games.Unit3 My weekend planStep 2: Pre-readingTokyo Olympic Games LWatch a videoTeacher plays a video of Tokyo Olympic Games. Students enjoy avideo of Chinese swimmers.T: They are Chinese athletes. What can they do?I How do you learn to swim? 1T: Can you swim? How do you learn to swim?2.Let,s guessTeacher asks students to guess whether Zoom and Zip could swim.Students listen to the recording and check their answers.二 J。T: Look! Zoom and Zip are coming. Can they swim too? Why do you think so? Let ,s guess.【设计意图】由奥运游泳队员引出本节课的话题。询问学生会 游泳吗?接下来讨论他们是如何学习游泳的,为故事做好铺 垫。让学生对故事的人物进行猜测,并说出猜测的理由,培养 学生的预测能力。Let,s checkStep 3: While-reading1 .Taskl: Listen and answerTeacher assigns the first task. Students listen to the recording of the story and browse the pictures, then answer the questions.Q1: How does Zoom learn to swim first?Q2: Where do they go later?Think and say: Can Zoom swim only by watching TV? Why?Does Zoom want to go to the pool? Why?【设计意图】指导学生带着问题听故事。指导学生学会借助图片 获取信息并初步感知故事。2 .Task 2: Read and matchTeacher assigns the second task. Students read the pictures 3-5 carefully and match the numbers with the sentences, then answer the questions.Q: How does Zoom learn to swim later?Think and say: Why does Zip push Zoom?Can Zoom swim at last? How do you know?What can you Ieam from this story?What will Zoom say next?【设计意图】通过排序学游泳的步骤,让学生更好地理解故事, 了解ZOOm是如何学习游泳的。通过各种问题促使学生思考,培 养学生发散思维能力、深度思考能力和推理能力。3 .Task 3: Read and fill in the blanksListen and answerBy watching TV.IWhere do they go later? Taskl: Listen to the story and brwse the pictures quickly, then answer the questions.听故事t½速 浏览国片回答何81仅OW does ZOOm Iern toswim first?9- Wo* tlm IRead and matchTaslc 2: Read the pictures 3-S carefully andSwimming pool.match the sentences with numbers. You can discuss it with your partner, if®讨i渔线( How does Zm learn to swim later? )廿SP 4Zoom Cann“ SWim Hc is going to team H«幅 ara>d o( waterGotoapool.DCxn b afraid J皿 jump 5.PTaCte andLeembydojng Svn


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